
"I was born Margaret Harris in 1966 but everyone calls me Peggy. My brother Bob and I were twins and I have an older brother born in 1964 called Jim.

We were all raised in a scrap yard on the edge of Dartmoor, three miles from Chagford the nearest village where I eventually went to primary school."

From this beginning Peggy recalls her colorful memories of growing up in the scrapyard. This book gives us the laughter and fun experienced growing up in the freedom of a Dartmoor scrapyard surrounded by a variety of amazing characters and animals, while the undercurrents of the harshness of her life and the sadness are also revealed in an unsentimental honesty. She talks about Sam, her father and her mother, her brothers, friends and neighbors, their working life in tough conditions.  A wonderful example of social history!

Her stories tell of a Dartmoor that quietly existed without too much interference, although at times difficult their lives were rich in so many ways.


A Chance to Meet Peggy:

12th February, Chagword

Tickets £6

Book signing, reading and short film.